Industrial wastewater is that which is generated as a by-product from process unit operations. It consists of hazardous substances that can often have harmful effects on human, animal, plant, aquatic, and microbial life.
WSCO helps industries to meet the standard for emission or discharge of environmental pollutants, avoid hefty penalties, and also cut expenditure by reducing the cost of fresh/potable water usage. You will be provided with the best possible solutions for Industrial effluent treatment which will be pocket-friendly as well.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.

Many industries release toxic wastewater that needs to be treated. We can customize our water treatment plan for different industries and water toxicity levels, some of which are explained below:
Agricultural Industry
Agricultural wastewater mainly comes from excess water that flows down furrows where crops are planted.
This is necessary for irrigation, and is usually called irrigation tailwater. This wastewater usually contains the fertilizers and pesticides used during harvesting, and can be reused with or without treatment on the farms itself.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Food & Beverage Industry
In the Food & Beverage industry, water is used extensively to clean, and process materials.
In the Food &Beverage industry, water is used extensively to clean, and process materials. Depending on the kind of food being prepared, the amount of toxic water varies in its concentration, and hence, its treatment.
It is necessary to use the best and most cost-effective method of wastewater treatment, depending on your food processing plant. The wastewater from this industry is usually treated by Activated Sludge Drying processes, but it cannot always take the intensity of waste produced. Hence, we recommend DissolvedAir Flotation (DAF) customized for your industry.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Chemicals Industry
Chemical industries usually release effluents with a high amount of organic compound waste.
Chemical industries usually release effluents with a high amount of organic compound waste, which when released unrated into water bodies, can cause massive disturbance in their natural balance. Pharmaceutical industries, especially, have chemicals that can be detrimental if entered into the water cycle.
Depending on your industry and the kind of chemicals it releases in terms of their intensity, toxicity, and composition, we can customize water treatment solutions for you.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Textile Industry
The Textile industry uses water mainly in its coloring and finishing processes.
The Textile industry uses water mainly in its coloring and finishing processes. These effluents can be highly toxic, and contain both biodegradable and nonbiodegradable substances that can modify the chemical composition in the water bodies it’s released into.
There are multiple physico-chemical processes that can be used to treat the effluents that come from textile industries, customized to your requirements.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Dairy Industry
The dairy industry processes milk to make its products, like buttermilk, cheese, etc.
The dairy industry processes milk to make its products, like buttermilk, cheese, etc. For this, there is use of water, and consequently, effluents containing residue of the same. This usually contains high BOD and COD levels, which need to be reduced before being discharged into a water body for reuse. The most preferred treatment method for dairy wastewater is a biological method including processes such as activated sludge, trickling filters, aerated lagoons, sequential batch reactor (SBR), anaerobic filters, and so on.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Slaughterhouses & Meat Process
Slaughterhouses and meat processing industries discharge effluents heavy with toxic waste.
Slaughterhouses and meat processing industries discharge effluents heavy with toxic waste that cannot be reused without intense treatment. There are multiple methods used to treat wastewater from slaughterhouses, and is usually done in 3 stages – primary, secondary, and tertiary. This includes preliminary treatment, physicochemical treatment, biological treatment, advanced oxidation process, and combined processes.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Medical Industry
Wastewater from the medical industry, like hospitals and clinics, can vary in levels of toxicity.
Wastewater from the medical industry, like hospitals and clinics, can vary in levels of toxicity, depending on visitors, laundry, and medical waste that might include biological waste.
Depending on the source of waste and its components, we can design wastewater treatment plants tomake it treatable according to the legal and environmental standards required.
We provide Industrial effluent treatment solutions all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Whether the pollutants in wastewater are Suspended Solids, Colloidal Solids, Organic and Inorganic Salts, Organic Compounds,Oil and grease, heavy metal, or there is an issue with colour or pH, WSCO can help the you identify the best Industrial Waste water treatment process to be implemented. This can depend on various factors, and we are her to customize solutions for you, no matter your needs.