Infrastructure & Wet Utilities
Roediger Vacuum Technology
Unfavorable ground conditions, thinly-populated areas, but also water protection areas – Roediger vacuum sewage provides the ideal solution, whenever sewage water needs to be collected in difficult circumstances. This, because closed and continually-monitored vacuum drainage systems can be installed quickly, flexibly and relatively easily.
There are also many forward-looking drain repair projects which utilize our vacuum technology.
Our vacuum technology enables us to ensure vacuum collection, sanitary and drainage systems along with other forward-looking drain repair projects. We provide roediger vacuum sanitation systems services all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
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Hydro International
The world today is more prone to unexpected storms, than it was in the past. They are more frequent and intense, and they contain pollutants and harmful chemicals. If stormwater runoff is not controlled, it can lead to sewer flooding because of impervious surfaces, like concrete and tar. Needless to say, this can cause breeding of mosquitoes and other problems.
Stormwater technology includes flow control for stormwater runoff, and infiltrate and store stormwater. The stormwater treatment products, on the other hand,catch stormwater with pollutants, while retaining it, in order to prevent it from reaching the environment and affecting the balance of different ecosystems.
We provide services using storm water products from Hydro International. Our services are provided all across Africa and Saudi Arabia.
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